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Common bean in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-06-05Updated:2024-06-05
Similar words: common bile ductmoonbeamelectron beamgreen beancommoncommonercommonsin commonMeaning: n. 1. the common annual twining or bushy bean plant grown for its edible seeds or pods 2. any of numerous beans eaten either fresh or dried. 
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1. In this study, 300 soybean and 100 common bean germplasm conserved in National Crop GeneBank were screened for seed-borne viruses by serological and molecular biological methods.
2. Note: Kidney bean include Common bean and Scarlet runner bean.
3. However, genotypic variation in root morphological characteristics of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.
4. Genetic transformation of common bean plants has a limited success because of the difficulty to develop an efficient plant regeneration system and the low transformation frequency.
5. The accessions with introgression from Mesoamerican to the Andean group could be useful as bridge varieties for common bean breeding.
6. The results of visual examination could serve as parameters indicating seed health status of common bean seeds and provide guides to handling germplasm accessions.
7. The variation of each trait among food legumes accessions revealed different, therein protein content of Common bean and Chickpea as well as starch content of cowpea varied most.
8. Bush bean is a perfect plant model to study common bean plants because of its short life cycle and the dwarfish upright body.
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9. We have studied the effect of roots zone water state on transpiration heat-resistance in common bean(85-CT) with different irrigation treatments.
10. There is distinct difference of nitrogen efficiency among the different varies of common bean .
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